
Who and What is God?

 Human experience of life demonstrates that the universe comprises of two domains - the domain of the normal world and the powerful domain. We have no trouble relating to and connecting with the regular world. This is so on the grounds that we are important for it and are in actual contact with it. Since logical examinations have empowered us gain impressive information on the actual world,Guest Posting we have become significantly more at home in this domain. Notwithstanding, the more we get it and  a course in miracles  control of the normal world through science and innovation, the more we ignore and are separated from the powerful domain. Our mentality today might be depicted along these lines: anything that doesn't adjust to the regular events we are know about can't be reality. Hundreds of years of testing into the regular world has dazed us to the heavenly. However, is there proof that an otherworldly domain exists? We are obliged to the Judeo-Christian strict prac...